Why Teach to the Brain?

This site has been created as my final project for my Program Leadership class at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Why should you read it?  Because you owe it to your students.

Many of us teach the way we were taught.  Our teachers didn’t have the advantage of having the volume of cognitive research available to today’s teachers.  You may not be able to see into your students’ heads and know exactly what they’ve learned, but you can know a lot about how they learn.

The topics selected are not the only topics in cognitive research – not by a long shot.  These are topics that I feel are a good starting place for teachers.  The research is explained in plain English, tips for practical application are given, and links and references are provided for anyone who wants to read more.

If you have experience with these ideas or try out a new technique, please share your experience via the comments section.

Happy Teaching!
